Friday, March 6, 2009

Blog Post #6: Wetbacks and Immigration

I think that it is unfair to call people who immigrate 'wetbacks.' They are just trying to find a better place to be and it is no fault of theirs that their country has worse systems than a different country.
I believe that we should facilitate easy immigration, or at the very least, help their country so that the systems there are no longer failing. It is not fair to arrest people because they want something better than what they have, or that they are trying to make more money or help their families.
The situation that the people from the video are in is somewhat different from Nadira's family's situation, from what I can tell. The people from the video seem to want better jobs and better educations, and more money for their families. Nadira's family just wants to get out of Bengal because they are being oppressed and the country is divided and very messed up. I admire anyone strong enough to start a journey like that, to just get up and leave with what they can carry in a small pack and walk until they get to where they want to be. That must take a huge amount of moral and physical strength. I do not think I can even begin to imagine how strong you would have to be to do that. I very certainly do not think I would be able to do leave like that. I wish the people who are traveling and immigrating the best, it would be hard enough to be crossing countries like that, but harder still if you were sick or hurt somehow. I hope that Milton and Niyo make it safely. I know that we'll probably find out at the end of the video, but still, I hope they make it safely. I don't know if there's any way to 'not have too much trouble' crossing from South America to Canada, but if there is, I hope that they don't have too much trouble.
In 'AMNQ' Nadira talks about borders and maps when she says: "That's why I'm fascinated with maps: They tell one story, yet no matter where people draw the borders, the land tells another."
It's very true that the land doesn't know where it starts and stops. The earth is just one big ball, spinning, not chunks of one place next to chunks of another.

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