Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blog Post #12: Chapter 13 & 14

Interesting sentence:
"We walk in closer, and then I notice it, right next to a dish or rice and meat. A revolver. No one pays attention -- it might be a carton of milk for all they care."
page 122

This really scared me. What kind of person leaves a gun lying around?! And if they do, would you (or should) you be friends or acquaintances with them? I'm very glad that Nadira turned tail and ran the other way because I believe that there is a good chance that she would have gotten hurt had she actually stayed to do business with them. Just the idea of Tareq taking her somewhere so far away from Flushing to do something that is illegal makes me feel creeped out. No one should go with someone else that their entire neighborhood calls 'shady.' The older people are probably a bit smarter, no offense to the young ones. Truly, pay attention to your elders, dont' go with strangers! Nadira really knew hardly anything about Tareq. He was basically a stranger to her, whatever she might have said before that evening.

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