Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blog Post #10: Chapter 11 Reading

Interesting sentence:
"She leans back on the pillows. "I'm so tired," she sighs. "So very tired." "
This is never a good line. When one of the main characters says that they're tired like that/in that way, especially with a reference to pillows, it usually means that they are going to die. In this case I think it means that the old Aisha has died and a new one has emerged, or is going to shortly.
As Samara said on her blog post about this chapter it seems as though Nadira is just sort of sitting there, watching her sister change and not doing much about it. That sort of disturbed me. When I commented on Samara's I said that I thought maybe Nadira didn't know how to help Aisha and I still think that's the problem. Aisha has been so inaccessible for her whole life with Nadira, how is Nadira supposed to know how to help her now?


  1. I agree that Nadira doesn't know how to help her sister. Aisha has been so distant form her for so long why should she know how? I think it's just karma for Aisha.

  2. Wow Ari! Nice way to use references from other books to what is happening now! I agree with you, I think that the old Aisha is definitely dying and a new one is emerging. I also agree that Nadira doesn't know how to help her sister. She's trying to, but she doesn't actually know how to. As Amanda said above, "why should she know how??" Nice work Ari!

  3. I was wondering the logic behind your thinking, that someone is going to die when they say they are tired in that way and there are pillows included in the scene. Does this come up in a lot of books you read? In this case, I agree with you. I also believe that the “old Aisha died” in some sense. You wrote it very well and spotted a subtle clue that she might have given up for good. (I noticed many clues that she has given up but not this one.) On another note I also agree that Nadira doesn’t know how to help Aisha, so she has to sit and watch. I wonder what Nadira’s next move is to help her family get out of this mess.

  4. I totally didn't notice that, but now that you point it out, it's like- YIKES don't DIE aisha!!! i hope that aisha doesn't die, and i don't think that she will, but then again, who knows....? but not a cheering statement regardless, to be sure
