Sunday, March 22, 2009

Blog Post #13: Chapter 15 Reading (x-ray vision and arm waving)

Interesting sentence:
"I have my papers in my backpack, and I want to run down the aisle like I'm in some movie scene and stop in front of the defense table and wave my arms." page 129

I really liked this chapter, besides Nadira's apparent paranoia. People do NOT have x-ray vision to see through your backpack. No worries though, you might get called out on something, but it won't be taking money from a family account. Nadira seems like she really has taken a step forward, but she still seems too timid to me. Ah well... can't have everything!
I really like that Nadira took a step out for herself and her family.
It makes me really happy but she needs to let go of some of that paranoia or I will personally slap her (figuratively).
: )

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